bass from upstairs.
smell from next door.
harassment from roommates
waiting to use the bathroom.
our campaign for citysnap
identified the biggest reasons
for wanting to move - in every
neighborhood - in new york city.
we then targeted all those areas
with customized tv and billlboards
featuring citysnap’s accurate listings.
as well as spotify ads written
to sound like legitimate pop songs.
all proving that you can, in fact,
find your new place in a snap.
smell from next door.
harassment from roommates
waiting to use the bathroom.
our campaign for citysnap
identified the biggest reasons
for wanting to move - in every
neighborhood - in new york city.
we then targeted all those areas
with customized tv and billlboards
featuring citysnap’s accurate listings.
as well as spotify ads written
to sound like legitimate pop songs.
all proving that you can, in fact,
find your new place in a snap.
Find Your Place in a Snap
Role: Creative + Writer
with Prit Patel, Kevin Li
& Johan Leandersson
Director: Jeff Low
Production: Smuggler
Agency: Supernatural
Find Your Place in a Snap
Role: Creative + Writer
with Prit Patel, Kevin Li
& Johan Leandersson
Director: Jeff Low
Production: Smuggler
Agency: Supernatural
here’s some pictures
from the production
in toronto, canada.