axe asked us to help guys find their magic.
whether it’s being skinny, doing yoga or having
a big nose. but with a few google searches,
we found that guys were asking google for permission.
is it ok for guys to wear pink, to say i love you,
to have long har,
to cry, to be the little spoon.

we decided to answer those questions.
bite-sized, entertaining and liberating content
that would pop up at the top of the search results,
proving that it’s ok for guys to be themselves.
it became axe’s first ever social mission campaign,
reaching everything from the new york times
and the telegraph, to the frontpage of reddit.

is it ok for guys?
with Georgi Gregori

Film Director:
Thomas Ralph
Production: Bacon
Agency: 72andSunny

Case film

Anthem film

Selected links
Frontpage of Reddit
New York Times
The Telegraph
The Drum
Daily Mail
Huff Post

Shared organically by a Reddit user, the campaign received over 22k upvotes on the platform, making it to the front page.

The New York Times devoted space in the paper. Their article shone a light on the campaign, on modern masculinity, and the role of brands in tackling societal issues.

here’s some pictures
from production
in london and amsterdam.